Hollteck is a world leader in the innovative design and manufacture of rolling mill guides and associated equipment. Our products are at the forefront of guide design and manufacturing systems.
Hollteck rolling mill guide equipment is available for the production of:
- Multi-strand slit rolling systems for the economical production of reinforcing bars. Ranging from 6mm x 2 strand through 12mm x 5 strand.
- High-speed entry and delivery guides, up to 130m/s, for wire rod production.
- Special guiding systems for all SBQ bar sizes 12mm through 250mm rounds and squares.
- A complete range of guide equipment for the production of angles, channels, sheet piling and beams.
- A special design service is available for the development of special guiding solutions.
In addition to our range of guiding solutions we offer:
- Sliding saddle and sliding beams type restbars.
- Inter-stand loopers and repeaters.
- Emergency, “safety” and sample taking snap shears.
- Inter-stand guiding furniture.
- Mechanical and optical setting equipment.
Our designs are created by close consultancy with our clients.
“Designed by rolling mill people for rolling mill people”.
We are always available to assist you for your guiding requirements.

Hollteck is at the forefront of guide production technology. Hollteck utilises CAD/CAM and leading technologies in the design and production of guiding and other rolling mill equipment.

Hollteck guides are manufactured using the latest CNC machine tools to ensure the high quality and the best value expected of our products.